Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Karma Schmarma

Ok, I just really want to get this off my chest... 

Don't get me wrong. I believe in the principle of "karma", or "you reap what you sow", or whatever your personal version of this concept's just.....

I am always concerned when I see my friends/loved ones or whomever, celebrating profusely whenever what THEY perceive to be "karma" appears to be happening to someone else.  I feel this flies in the face of "judge not, lest ye be judged by the same measure." I mean, a private little happy dance and a whispered "thanks" is ok...but the loud, boisterous HAHA's have got to stop...
Part of the premise of "karma" is that a force outside of yourself will be in charge of vengeance in order to establish balance, right? Yin/Yang, yeah?  If you stick your tongue out with your thumbs in your ears, waving your fingers singing "nanner, nanner" well,  I feel you run the risk of upsetting the balance...

See, people, we ALL screw up in life.  Sometimes we commit serious errors that deeply impact others.  Sometimes we commit lesser errors like, say, giving the bird to someone in traffic, or displaying other forms of road rage. Sometimes we don't necessarily correct a cashier when they give us TOO much change. Sometimes we are impatient with our children and certainly with strangers. Sometimes we do the wrong thing even though we KNOW it's wrong. 

I don't believe that the "degree of sin" really matters.  So when we decide to celebrate victoriously when someone else is experiencing the negative consequences of their life choices, bothers me. 

If you are someone that does that, I hope you don't cry too loudly the next time you do something that is even remotely humiliating or "wrong" and others around you broadcast your error, or make a big deal out of letting everyone know that they think you deserve whatever you get. 

Most people are just floating through life, and sometimes shit happens and we can look back and see where we went wrong and what we would do differently.  I'm thankful for the people that have stood by me in my mistakes because I have been in the deepest of pits and I likely would have disappeared were it not for those that didn't kick dirt in my face and say ha ha.

I would also caution you against making such claims as "I would never do..." because I guarantee that at some point, you probably have, and if you haven't, you will...  

We are all just human. Nobody is perfect.
Deciding what someone else DESERVES is reserved to anyone other than ME....(and you too).

Life is just Life.... and Love is the answer.  Peace.


  1. I will admit to having delighted when someone who really has earned their "just desserts" gets them. It's petty. It's a jerk thing to do. I think all of us do it. And we feel a little bad about it. Just a little.

  2. It's true, and I am not exempt...hence the cautionary tale...
